Master Gardener Continuing Education

LOCAL Gardening Information

If you are looking for some good local gardening resources be sure to subscribe for the Fairfield County Master Gardener Blog at Check out the Gardening 101 tab for lots of timely information for gardeners of all ages. You are also invited to visit the Fairfield County Master Gardener Volunteers – OSU Extension Facebook page. All interested gardeners are invited to join.  We share information on upcoming classes and events as well as answer your garden questions, too!! 

VIRTUAL learning options

If you are interested in enriching your horiticulture knowledge, check out the Ohio Master Gardener website: There are many recordings of classes which are free and available to all interested gardeners.   

computer screen showing a Zoom program title - Mistletoes, Dodder & Plant Cannibals

picture of an Ipad screen displaying Myths about ticks from a continuing education class