Although there may be a date of interview for the Junior Fair Queen and Species applications listed on the application, please note that there will not be any in person interviews. All interviews will be held via zoom hosted by OSU Extension.  As soon as we get the dates decided, we will share them, but they will be the week of September 21st.

The 2020 Fairfield County Junior Fair Queen Cover Letter and Application can be found here. Applications will be mailed to eligible 4-H members shortly.  FFA members should ask their FFA Advisor for applications or print off from the link at the beginning of this paragraph.   Signed Junior Fair Queen Applications (with photo!) are due to the Extension Office by 4:00 pm on September 11, 2020.  Don't forget to sign the application and include a picture!     Updated 8/21/2020

The 2020 Canine Ambassador Application is here.  The application is due to the Extension Office by September 11, 2020. Don't forget to include a picture!   Updated 8/25/2020

The 2020 Caprine Ambassador Application is located here.  The application is due to the Extension Office by September 11, 2020. Updated 9/1/2020

The 2020 Dairy Ambassador Application is here.  The application is due to the Extension Office by September 11, 2020.  Updated 8/21/2020

The 2020 Equine Ambassador Application is found here.  The applicaton is due to the Extension Office by September 11, 2020.  Updated 9/1/2020

The 2020 Poultry Ambassador Application is here. The application is due to the Extension Office by September 11, 2020.    Updated 8/21/2020

The 2020 Rabbit Representative Application is here.  Applications are due to the Extension Office by September 11, 2020.   Updated 8/21/2020

The 2020 Swine Representative Application is here.  Applications are due to the Extension Office by September 11, 2020.   Updated 8/21/2020

The 2020 Fairfield County Lamb and Wool Queen Contest entry form can be found at  Forms are due to the contest coordinator by September 21, 2020.   

The 2020 Friend of the Fairfield County Junior Fair Award Application is here. This application is due to the Extension Office by September 11, 2020.   Updated 8/21/2020

The 2020 Outstanding 4-H'er letter and application may be found here.  The form was mailed to eligible seniors in Fairfield County 4-H. The completed form is due 8/15/20.    Updated 7/27/2020