Fairfield County 4-H Endowment

The Fairfield County 4-H Endowment was established on May 5, 2006. Leadership for the 4-H Endowment is provided by the Endowment Board, a group of local volunteers, serving three-year terms, committed to complimenting local 4-H youth development education programs with needed financial support. The 4-H Endowment is comprised of two permanent funds made possible through individual donations, business and corporate contributions and fund-raising events such as the annual Legacy Dinner & Auction with those funds being housed at either The Ohio State University or the Fairfield County Foundation.

The interest earned by the Endowment Funds held at Ohio State is distributed to the Fairfield County 4-H Advisory Committee annually to provide support which includes, but is not limited to, the funding of trips and awards for 4-H members, volunteer leaders, and friends of 4-H; sponsoring seminars and programs; purchasing material and services that will supplement 4-H programming or increase visibility and public support of 4-H in Fairfield County; fundraising activities of the Donors or other organizations conducting fundraising to benefit 4-H in Fairfield County; the partial or full funding of professional and administrative staff positions to administer the Fairfield County 4-H Youth Development Program; and other funding for the 4-H youth and volunteers of the Fairfield County 4-H Youth Development Program. Past proceeds funded "I Dare You" youth recognition awards, member handbooks, state trips and camp expenses. 

A long-range goal for the principal held in the Endowment is to endow a position for a 4-H Educator in Fairfield County.

You can stay updated on the activity of the Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Board by visiting or subscribing to their Endowment Blog. If you would be interested in serving on the Endowment Board, please submit your information on the Endowment Interest Survey.

May gifts to the Fairfield County 4-H Endowment be recognized as a gift to The Ohio State University?

Yes, if that's the way you want to gift them! Contributions are sent to the State 4-H Office earmarked for the Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Fund and deposited with the Ohio 4-H Foundation which is a part of the university's development fund.

A second option is to donate to the Endowment fund held locally at the Fairfield County Foundation.

Is my gift tax deductible?

Yes! The Ohio 4-H Foundation and Fairfield County 4-H Endowment is a 501 (c)(3) charitable foundation. Consult your accountant or tax attorney for specific guidance on your gift.

How to make a contribution?

Current gifts


  • See how your gift benefits youth currently involved in 4-H.
  • Reduce the size of an estate for tax savings.


  • Get an immediate income tax deduction based on the full fair market value of the land.
  • Avoid capital gains taxed on long-term appreciated property.
  • Save on estate taxes and selling expenses.

Corporate matching gifts

  • Your employer may make a contribution to 4-H to match your own personal gift.


  • With certain limitations, deduct the full fair market value of long-term appreciated stocks and bonds on your taxes.
Planned gifts

Life insurance

  • Make relatively low premium payments, yet ultimately provide a significant gift to 4-H.
  • Keep personal assets during your lifetime.
  • Save on taxes on premium payments if the policy is owned by The Ohio State University.


  • Maintain full use of assets in your lifetime.
  • Receive recognition now for a future gift.
  • If your life situation changes drastically and assets are needed, the gift is revocable.


  • Provide a tribute to the memory of a family member, friend or colleague. For more information, please visit The Memorial Gift page. 

Charitable trusts

  • Make significant gifts to the Ohio 4-H Foundation, but retain certain lifetime benefits.

Many large gifts (especially those involving real estate, collectibles, trusts and bequests) involve detailed planning. The Foundation welcomes the opportunity to work with donors and their investment advisors or attorneys in such planning.

To donate to the fund at The Ohio State University, make checks payable to "Fairfield County 4-H Endowment" and in the memo line, notate account #642082

To donate to the fund held locally at the Fairfield County Foundation, make checks payable to "4-H Fairfield County Foundation Fund" and in the memo line, notate Fairfield Foundation.

Send ALL checks to the Fairfield County 4-H Endowment PO Box 564, Lancaster, OH 43130.