Apr. 27, 2022
HPAI is a highly contagious virus that spreads quickly and can be fatal to flocks and devastating to poultry owners, both commercial and non-commercial. Proper biosecurity is critical in preventing the spread of this disease. Learn more about HPAI by reading the Avian Influenza brochure and the press release below issued by Franklin County on March 30, 2022.
Mar. 22, 2022
Have you ever experienced the phenomenon of seeing rain falling in the distance but never feeling a drop in your location? If so, you know how variable precipitation can be!
Case in point, in August of this year local reports tell us that total rainfall in Fairfield County ranged from 1.9 inches to as much as 4.89 inches. That’s not only the difference between needing to water your garden or not, but also has a significant impact on crop yields throughout the county!
May. 08, 2020
Watch Out for Termites When Cutting Firewood!
By Jerry Iles, OSU Extension Educator, Agriculture & Natural Resources, Fairfield County
It is early May and I am still firing up my wood burning stove on chilly nights. Recently a tree was cut down on our land and it was mostly hollow and full of termites! (see photos)
Apr. 28, 2020
Spring Beauties…Native Dogwoods and Redbuds
By Jerry Iles OSU Extension Educator, Agriculture & Natural Resources, Fairfield Co.
The spring of 2020 has not been as good as recent springs when it comes to my Redbud (Cercis canadensis) and Dogwood (Cornus florida) tree blossoms. Don’t get me wrong I’ve got some trees that are flowering very well but overall, the weather pattern has not been ideal and the trees are not quite as showy this year.
Apr. 21, 2020
Sunny days no doubt bring lots of gardeners out into the sunshine. The calendar tells us we could be planting early spring crops in the garden but what does the soil thermometer tell us? If you have never thought about the use of the soil thermometer you should! Have you ever had crops that you planted in your garden that just “set” there and did not take off? Perhaps you planted them in wet soils and perhaps you planted them when the soils were just too cold.
Apr. 14, 2020
A Gourmet Dinner from the Woods
By Jerry Iles, OSU Extension Educator, Agriculture & Natural Resources, Fairfield County
Spring is here and with it comes my favorite spring outdoor activity. I love to get outdoors and hike in the woods. While I’m at it I hike to spots where I’ve previously found that spring delicacy…morel mushrooms. (Morchella)
Mar. 20, 2020
Hands: Use soap and warm water and scrub for a full 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, you can use hand sanitizer made with 70% strength isopropyl alcohol. You can make your own hand sanitizer by mixing 2/3 cup of 70% isopropyl alcohol with ½ cup aloe vera gel. The rubbing alcohol is for killing germs and the aloe vera gel is to moisturize your hands.
Mar. 20, 2020
If this is your current situation: "My power just went out, how long will my food be safe?" please read on . . .
Quick rules of thumb:
1. Do NOT open your refrigerator or freezer. It will serve as an insulated cooler if you do not open it. Refrigerated foods should keep at least 24 hours and frozen foods several days.
Mar. 19, 2020
If you want to learn more about Coronavirus including what it is, how it spreads, what precautions you should take, and when you should call your doctor, see this fact sheet from Ohio State University Extension
Nov. 26, 2019
We commonly receive questions from livestock owners who may be just getting started with their pasture management or grazing program. During this issue of Forage Focus with Christine Gelley, Noble County Extension Educator, and Will Hamman, Pike County Extension Educator, the discussion will revolve around the ten most common questions that new graziers have when starting with grazing livestock.