Have you ever wanted to improve the soil health in your vegetable garden but haven't been sure where to start? Have you considered giving cover crops a try in an effort to improve your garden? Or, are you using cover crops now, and looking for new and different ways to utilize them? Maybe you're simply looking for ways to improve your garden soil's tilth and haven't been sure what to do first?
If any of those questions fit your situation, then you won't want to miss the next Lunch & Learn where we dig deep into the use of cover crops in your garden? After all, cover crop garden mixes can not only increase organic matter and improve the soil structure, but they also reduce erosion and compaction, and suppress perennial and winter annual weed growth.
Join Fairfield County Master Gardener Ann Brandt as she discusses the importance of soil health in your vegetable garden on Wednesday, September 14 beginning at 11:30 a.m. at the Fairfield County Ag Center located at 831 College Avenue, Lancaster. Feel free to bring a sack lunch and enjoy the 1 hour program on Soil Health and the Use Of Cover Crops. The program is free and open to the public.
As an added bonus to the program, with assistance from an Ohio Department of Agriculture, Division of Soil and Water Conservation Grant, each participant at the program will receive a packet of Walnut Creek Cover crop seeds for use in their own vegetable garden.
Please call your reservations into OSU Extension in Fairfield County at 740-652-7260 today so we can be sure to have an adequate supply of cover crop seed available for each participant who attends.