Whether you own farm land, or rent farm land, this will be a 'must attend' workshop for you. We will explore land rents, lease arrangements, and the new farm program in detail. This will be a comprehensive program for both landowners and tenants.
Featured speakers for the morning session will include Peggy Kirk Hall, Director of the OSU Ag & Resource Law Program and Barry Ward, Leader of Production Business Management in the OSU Department of Ag, Environmental and Development Economics department. Topics covered by Hall and Ward will include:
- Factors affecting leasing options and rates
- Evaluating cash rent survey data
- Farmland leasing options: fixed and flexible cash leases
- Creating a legally enforceable lease
- Legal provisions in farmland leases
- Analyzing good and bad leasing practices
As always, questions will be most welcome!
At noon, lunch will be provided compliments Farm Credit Mid-America.
After lunch participants will get a comprehensive look at the new Farm Program being offered both grain producers and land owners through Farm Service Agency. This program is unique from many past programs due to the fact that landowners will now share in some of the program choice decisions. During the afternoon session, the choices to be made for participation will be explained and examples of the alternatives offered. FSA Director Aaron Stockberger and Stan Smith from OSU Extension will provide the afternoon program.
A registration fee of $10 to help cover the cost of handouts, materials and expences will be collected at the door. Reservations are required and may be easily completed on-line here or by calling OSU Extension at 740-653-5419.
Contact OSU Extension if you have questions or need more details.