Tag-in for dairy feeder calves, market lambs and market goats being exihibited in the 2016 Fairfield County Junior Fair will be held at the Fairgrounds on Saturday, July 9 from 8 a.m. until 10:30 a.m.
Lambs will be tagged in the Swine Barn (Building #48)
* Participants in the Lamb MQP will have their lambs also weighed at this time. For more information regarding Lamb MQP, see this.
Goats will be tagged in the Feeder Creek Show Arena (Building #52)
Dairy Feeders will be tagged in the Jr. Beef Barn (Building #4)
Please note the rules for tagging in these livestock, as well as the rules for tagging in the pigs have changed.
Find details of those new rules linked here.
Find the registration sheet that will be used to record the animals and the exhibitor information linked here.
This year swine tag-in dates are July 11 to July 21. Tags can be picked up at the Senior Fair Office on Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon each day. All swine tagging paper work must be turned into the Senior Fair Office by 12:00 Noon on July 21st.