The Central Ohio Precision Ag Symposium will be held on Thursday, January 12, 2017 at All Occasions Catering 6986 Waldo-Delaware Rd., Waldo Ohio from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This symposium will feature the most current technologies available in precision agriculture. These topics will be shared by some of the leading University precision ag experts such as 2013 Precision Ag Educator or the Year Winner - Dr. John Fulton from The Ohio State University. Dr. Fulton has also been recognized as one of Precision Ag Magazine’s 2016 Top 10 (#4) People in Precision Agriculture. Dr. Scott Shearer, Chair, Department of Food and Biological Engineering at the Ohio State University and Dr. Erdal Ozkan, Department of Food and Biological Engineering at the Ohio State University.
Many industry experts will also be on hand. Tim Norris and Dustin Crunkilton from AgInfoTech – Precision Farming Dealers’ magazine - Most Valuable Dealership for 2015, will share their experiences, research and field data collected from many Central Ohio Farms. In addition to AgInfoTech, leading industry representatives from Ag Leader, Case IH, John Deere, Opi-Integris, Precision Planting, Soil-Max and 360 Yield Center will be on hand to share their technologies and insights on today farming technology.
$50 registration fee includes a buffet lunch, breaks and handouts. Seating is limited, registration deadline is December 29, 2016.
This symposium will provide:
8.5 Continuing Education Credits (CEU’s) for Certified Crop Advisors,
N.M.1.0, S&W 1.0, I.P.M.1.0, C.M. 5.5.
Pesticide Recertification Credits (Applied for)
Core – 1 hr. - Commercial and Private
Cat 1 - .5 hr. Private
This program is sponsored by The Ohio State University Extension, AgInfoTech, Ag Leader, B&B Farm Service, Beck’s, Central Ohio Farmers Co-op, Channel, Evolution Ag, Farm Credit Services, JD Equipment, OPI-Integris, Precision Planting, Seed Consultants, Soil-Max, Town & Country Co-op and 360 Yield Center.
To download the registration form and see a detailed agenda, go to or contact the OSU Extension Office in Knox County at 740-397-0401 or AgInfoTech 740-507-2503 for more information.