Pesticide REcertification

Tuesday, January 24, 2023 - 9:00am to 12:00pm
Fairfield County Ag Center
Contact email:
Contact name:
Carrie Brown or Stan Smith
Contact phone:

This will be the first of two sessions of Private Pesticide Applicator REcertification that will be offered in Fairfield County this year. During this session, recertification in all Private categories will be offered. The class fee charged at the door remains $25 per person. Upon completion of the REcertification class, the license fee of $30 must to be sent directly to the Ohio Department of Agriculture with the renewal application.

Reservations are required and may be made on-line through this registration link (

You may click here to check the recertification status of your license.

If you are interested in acquiring a new license or adding a category to an existing license, click here for more information.

For those needing REcertification for their Fertilizer Certification, an opportunity exists on this same day, January 24th, beginning at 12:00 p.m. immediately following the Pesticide REcertification session.